It's often said that Wills Eye is everywhere, and while most people were celebrating the holiday in the traditional way with hot dogs, hamburgers and refreshers, two members of the Wills Eye family were spotted doing it their way.
Li Zhang, a Pediatric Fellow from China, who recently completed her training with Dr. Alex Levin, was overjoyed to experience her first Independence Day Parade in America, two short blocks away from Independence Hall, the birthplace of America. Dr. Zhang photographed the colorful event on her IPAD and waved tissue pom poms as marching bands, culturally themed dancers and historical personalities paraded by.
Meanwhile back at 840 Walnut Street, Al "The Plumber" Passamante was busy attending to hospital tasks, assisted by his son. photos: roger barone/WIlls Eye Hospital. When asked what he was doing at Wills Eye on the Fourth of July holiday, Al said, "I'm here for the board meeting." (see photo below)